Donna graduated from the Ontario College of Art and Design and enjoyed a successful career as an art director and graphic designer in Canada, England and the USA.
She now focuses her creative energy on watercolours, painting weekly with the
Al Frescoes in Victoria and teaching drawing.
The inspiration for my art is the ever-changing patterns of light and colour in nature, especially the wild haunting beauty of West Coast landscapes.
Watercolours reflect the spontaneity and fluidity of my subject matter and help capture the energy of a moment and excite the imagination. Working 'plein air' keeps my images fresh.
Portraits: In 2020, due to the COVID-19 situation, I had the opportunity to try new things. I joined a weekly online portrait group through the Metchosin ArtPod. I've included some of my watercolours on this website.
2021 About Face - Portraits
Metchosin ArtPod
2020 Al Fresco, Coast Collective
Canadian Whisky Painters
2019 Juan de Fuca Centre
Canadian Whisky Painters
Al Fresco, Coast Collective
2018 Juan de Fuca Centre
Woodworkers Guild Show
Al Fresco, Coast Collective
2017 Coast Collective, Al Fresco Show
Stinking Fish Tour, Juan de Fuca
2016 Coast Collective, Al Fresco Show
2015 Coast Collective, Al Fresco Show
2014 Coast Collective, Al Fresco Show
Coast Collective, Inspired by Emily
Juan de Fuca Centre, Showcase
2013 Coast Collective, Associates Show
Fort Rodd Hill, Artist in Residence
2012 Coast Collective, Emerging Artists
Coast Collective, Associates Show
Fort Rodd Hill, Artist in Residence